The Health Visiting Service offers children and families routine health and development reviews, as well as additional support when it's needed.
Start for life offer from 0 to 1 year
Health Visitors offer a new birth review between 10 and 14 days after the birth, 6 to 8 week review and 9 to 12 month review.
Get support from your health visitor
The Brighton & Hove Health Visitor Parentline run a text service for parents or carers of children aged 0 to 5.
The Specialist Infant Feeding Team is based in Brighton & Hove and offers support from Lactation Consultants, Breastfeeding Specialists, and Breastfeeding Peer Support Coordinators.
Family Hubs play and learn groups
Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged 0 to 19. Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25. We deliver services from various locations across Brighton & Hove.
BrightPip individual therapy and group sessions
Advice for dads
More information and resources
Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged 0 to 19. Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25. We deliver services from various locations across Brighton & Hove.
Health for under 5s - The first 1001 critical days – promoting your baby’s development.
Getting On Better cards - online cards designed to help you think about your relationship in a new way, with ideas on how to reduce tension and arguments.