The Health Visiting Service offers children and families routine health and development reviews, as well as additional support when it's needed.
Start for Life offer throughout pregnancy
Information about our Start for Life offer for those who are pregnant.
Finding out you're pregnant
What you should do when you find out you're pregnant and how to make a midwife appointment.
Midwife appointments
Your midwife will see you throughout your pregnancy to check you and your baby are healthy.
They will offer you the following appointments:
- 10 weeks - booking appointment
- 11 to 14 weeks - combined screening ultrasound scan
- 16 weeks
- 20 to 22 weeks anomaly scan
- 25 weeks - first baby only
- 28 weeks
- 31 weeks - first baby only
- 34 weeks
- 36 weeks
- 38 weeks
- 40 weeks - first baby only
- plus 41 weeks appointment
Get support from your health visitor
The Brighton & Hove Health Visitor Parentline run a text service for parents or carers of children aged 0 to 5.
The Specialist Infant Feeding Team is based in Brighton & Hove and offers support from Lactation Consultants, Breastfeeding Specialists, and Breastfeeding Peer Support Coordinators.
Courses and programmes for expectant families
We offer a range of support for new or expectant parents.
For more information about these courses contact the Family Hubs team.
Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged 0 to 19. Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25. We deliver services from various locations across Brighton & Hove.
Family Foundations is a free 7-week course helps expectant parents build a strong family unit and fully support their child's development.
Online courses on relationship support for parents.
Courses to support parents-to-be understand and connect with their baby before birth.
More information and resources
Getting on better cards - online cards designed to help you think about your relationship in a new way, with ideas on how to reduce tension and arguments.
Maternity Services University Hospitals Sussex - a maternity service offering high standards of safety and care to pregnant women and people and their babies.
Sussex Local Maternity and Neonatal System website - support during pregnancy, labour and birth, after the birth and help for partners and families.
Health for under 5s - The first 1001 critical days – promoting your baby’s development.