The Brighton & Hove Health Visitor Parentline run a text service for parents or carers of children aged 0 to 5.
Start for life offer for 1 to 2 years
The Healthy Child Programme is made up of Health Visitors, and they will offer you a review when your child is 2 to 2.5 years and a visit when a family with a child under 5 moves into the area.
Get support from your health visitor
The Health Visiting Service offers children and families routine health and development reviews, as well as additional support when it's needed.
The Specialist Infant Feeding Team is based in Brighton & Hove and offers support from Lactation Consultants, Breastfeeding Specialists, and Breastfeeding Peer Support Coordinators.
Parenting support through Family Hubs
Our Family Hubs offer support including:
- free parenting workshops and courses for parents of children aged 18 months and up
- play and learn groups include a multi-lingual group
Family Hubs support families in Brighton & Hove with children aged 0 to 19. Young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) can access our services up to age 25. We deliver services from various locations across Brighton & Hove.
BrightPip individual therapy and group sessions
More information and resources
Health for under 5s - The first 1001 critical days – promoting your baby’s development.