Childcare and childcare support
How to find childcare in Brighton & Hove and find out what childcare support you can get.
Finding childcare
You can use our online Family Service Directory to search for all local Ofsted registered childcare. You can also view our factsheets about childcare and childcare support.
You can also search for home based childcare options.
Childcare support
You can enter your circumstances on the government's Childcare Choices website to find out what childcare support you could get. It will also link you to pages where you can apply.
Childcare support from 9 months old, for eligible working parents
Children from 9 months old, whose working parents are eligible, can get up to 570 hours of childcare support, spread across the year.
Find out more about childcare support from 9 months old, for eligible working parents.
Childcare support for 2 year olds
Some 2 year olds, whose families are receiving some additional forms of government support, can get to up to 570 hours of childcare support, spread across the year.
Find out more about childcare support for 2 year olds.
Childcare support for 3 and 4 year olds
All 3 and 4 year olds can get up to 570 hours of childcare support. These hours are spread across the year and begin from the term after their third birthday.
3 and 4 year olds, whose working parents are eligible, can get to up to 1,140 hours of childcare support, spread across the year
Find out more about childcare support for 3 and 4 year olds
Tax free childcare
You can set up an online childcare account where the government tops up any money you put in to help with the costs of childcare.
Find more information about Tax free childcare.
Additional funding for children with SEND
Funding is available for childcare providers to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in their setting.
Find out how early years and childcare providers can get funding to support children with SEND.
How to get in touch
To ask for information from the Family Hub
- send an email to
- phone 01273 293 545
Our telephone helpline is open Monday to Friday 9:30am to 4pm.
Complete our online form if you're concerned that a child is at risk of harm.