Early Years Support Team - services and support available
Learn about the services and support available from the Early Years Team.
The Early Years team is made up of qualified staff with a wealth of experience in early years and childcare.
Our service works with childcare providers to improve quality and outcomes for children as well as ensure providers meet the needs of children with SEND through working in partnership, providing information, advice, support and challenge.
The support offered covers all aspects of childcare including:
- The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
- Ofsted registration and inspection
- SEND code of practice
- training
- sufficiency
- funding and financial management
- governance
- business planning
Support is tailored to encourage settings to be self-reflective and proactive in making and sustaining improvements.
Sources of support include:
- network meetings and setting visits which offer the opportunity to speak with individual team members
- online resources
- training
The team also provides:
- telephone and email support
- a monthly newsletter
- termly leaders’ and managers’ briefings which aim to keep providers up to date with and debate national and local changes
Specific support packages are developed for providers when there's:
- an identified complex need
- an Inadequate or Requires Improvement Ofsted inspection outcome
To contact the Early Years Team for support or if you would like to find out more, send an email to eyc@brighton-hove.gov.uk.