This course is for leadership and management staff in early years.
Training for early years and childcare providers in Brighton & Hove
We have a programme of training courses for early years providers in the city. Our courses include safeguarding, paediatric first aid and a range of e-learning courses.
Book an Early Years training course
You can now book all our Early years EYFS training, Brighton & Hove Inclusion Support Service (BHISS) and Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP) courses through our Learning Zone.
You need a registered account with your setting manager or owner to access the training.
If you don't have an account yet, send an email to and we'll send you details on how to register.
Book a course on our Learning Zone
Other online courses
We also have the following online courses available:
Safer Recruitment, Selection and Induction
Who is this course for?
Introduction to recruitment and selection:
- how to create a robust job description, person specification and job advert that promotes the ethos
Safer recruitment techniques:
- ID and overseas checks
- references
- value-based interviewing
Shortlisting and interviewing:
- analysing applications to shortlist
- interview questions and rating systems
- practice-based interview
- making a decision
Successful and safe inductions.
There are some practical exercises to assess your learning.
Estimated time to complete is 3 hours. You have 6 months to complete the training.
Once you complete the training, a digital certificate is automatically issued.
Safeguarding Children
Who is this course for?
This course is for all staff in early years settings.
Safeguarding Children – Part 1
- safeguarding, duty of care and child protection
- regulatory requirements
- local authority safeguarding procedures
- roles and responsibilities of the early years worker
Safeguarding Children – Part 2
- different forms of Child Abuse
- actions to take if harm or abuse is suspected and/or disclosed
Safeguarding Children – Part 3
- procedures that need to be followed by childcare and early years professionals
- policy and procedure for the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children
Each part has a short quiz that must be completed to progress.
Estimated time to complete is 4 hours.
Once you complete the training, you can generate your digital certificate.
Level 2 - Food Safety Early Years
Who is this course for?
This course is for all staff in early years settings.
The course:
- covers the legal responsibilities of workers within a food environment
- comprehensively addresses food safety threats and the good practices required to minimise them, specifically in an early years setting
The course is divided into 11 modules.
Each module has a practical assessment. In the end, you have a final exam.
Estimated time to complete is 30 minutes per module. You have 30 days to complete the training.
Once you complete the final exam, you can generate your digital certificate (CPD certified).
Level 2 - Health and Safety
Who is this course for?
This course is for all staff in early years settings.
This course covers the basics of staying safe in the workplace, including formal and informal risk assessment, specifically in an early years setting.
The course is divided into 16 modules.
Each module has a practical assessment. In the end, you have a final exam.
Estimated time to complete is 30 minutes per module. You have 30 days to complete the training.
Once you complete the final exam, you can generate your digital certificate (CPD certified).
Childminder Introductory Training
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for those registering on the Early Years Register, or both the Early Years and Childcare Registers.
This CPD-certified online training course covers all the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) necessary for registration with Ofsted plus extra information that will help you build a high-quality and sustainable childminding business.
The course contains the following 5 modules.
Understanding and Working with the EYFS
A step-by-step journey through the EYFS which explains how the requirements should be implemented in a childminding setting.
Recording Children’s Development
Includes observing and assessing children and planning the next steps, linking observations to the areas and aspects of learning and characteristics of effective learning. Set out on the EYFS.
Safeguarding Children
Introduces the relevant documentation you need to know about and covers how to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and how to record and refer concerns. It also covers information about:
- Prevent Duty
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Breast Ironing
- Gang Activity - including County Lines and Signs of Safety which is an international process that has been adopted by many areas of England
It has gained course approval from the Northamptonshire Local Safeguarding Children Board. For childminders who will employ others, it includes a safeguarding children employers responsibility handout.
Developing Children’s Learning
Information to help you fully understand and support children’s learning. There are 3 main topics:
- Child Development (including mental health and Attachment Theory)
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- play
Leading and Managing a Childminding Setting
All you need to know about the business aspects and practical issues of running a successful childminding business including information about how best to market your business, how to comply with tax and insurance requirements and much more.
Each module has a multiple-choice knowledge test at the end which you must pass to gain your certificate. There are no assignments or requirements for written tests to pass this course.
Each module is likely to take between 2 and 3 hours to complete. We suggest that you complete the modules.
Once all 5 modules have been completed, you will be able to print off your Childminder Introductory Training Certificate which you will need to show to Ofsted.
Department of Education online training
The Department for Education has some free online training which gives an overview of child development. It also has practical advice for supporting children in your setting.
This training is part of the Early Years Education Recovery Programme.
Get guidance for people who work in early years, from the Department for Education.
Other early years and childcare training
The Virtual College have a short course about handwashing that costs £10 - Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control.
CEY Smart from PACEY has a range of short online courses that take around 10 minutes to complete. If you're not a PACEY member, you can trial CEY smart for free. However, you'll only have access to some courses.
More information
For more information send an email to
Additional training
The following specialist training is available:
Stay up to date with news and courses through our Early Years and Childcare Facebook page.