Recruiting and managing staff in the early years
This information will help to ensure you have safe recruitment procedures in place and will support you with managing your staff.
Safer recruitment training
All managers and those responsible for recruiting new staff to your setting must be fully aware of employment law and national safer recruitment guidance. To become more confident in the skills and knowledge required to safely and fairly recruit new staff members to your setting, we would advise you complete the Educare NSPCC safer recruitment e-learning training.
Recruitment and selection
A clear Recruitment & selection [PDF 133KB] process is the first step towards safer recruitment, ensuring your recruitment process follows the 12 Steps to Safer Recruitment [PDF 102KB]
A Job application pack [PDF 202KB] should be prepared prior to advertising a vacancy. As a minimum this will include a Job description & Person specification [PDF 111KB] and an Application form [PDF 109KB] CV's should not be requested.
See our Advertising a vacancy [151 KB] guidance for what to include in your advert. The main purpose of the job advert is to attract good quality, suitable applicants and to deter unsuitable applicants.
In preparation for Shortlisting [PDF 34 KB] know how to scrutinise the information on the application forms and know how to record the required information to demonstrate a safer recruitment procedure. Interviewing [PDF 102KB] is a key area to ensure you get the most out of your candidates and ensure they are treated fairly.
Recruiting an apprentice
If you're thinking about recruiting an apprentice, get helpful information on the following pages:
- How to employ an apprentice and how it could benefit your business
- Find training organisations in Sussex offering Early Years Apprenticeships
- Advertise your apprenticeship position
Pre-employment checks, staff suitability and disqualification
It is essential to know what pre-employment checks [PDF 112KB] are required for safer recruitment and at what point in the recruitment process they should be completed. This pre-employment checklist will help you keep a written record of the checks you complete.
The Disclosure and Barring Service - DBS
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevents unsuitable people from working with vulnerable groups, including children. DBS checks must be completed on all employers prior to them starting work with you.
If you have a positive DBS disclosure come back this Positive DBS Disclosure Decision Form will help you risk assess the information that has been shared with you to help you make an informed decision.
This DBS Update Service Permission Form is to be completed by all new staff. The NDNA have produced a staff suitability and disqualification factsheet that clarifies the current legal requirements for ensuring staff suitability to work with children and to support nurseries with procedures for checking staff suitability and disqualification. This Staff Suitability Declaration Form is to be completed by all new staff and existing staff annually.
References (2 minimum) must be obtained. This reference request letter and pro-forma [46KB] should help you to get useful relevant information back. When you appoint the successful candidate ensure the Job offer [PDF 133KB] and contacting unsuccessful applicants is done correctly.
Performance management
There are lots of different areas that need to be considered when planning an Induction [PDF 145KB] For early years practitioners involved in day to day work with children and families, effective Supervision [208KB] is important to promote good standards of practice and to support individual staff members. Regular staff Appraisals [63KB] should be carried out to identify the training needs of staff, review performance and plan objectives.
Raising a concern / making a disclosure in the public interest / whistleblowing
It is very important to ensure a culture of safety in your organisation. It is vital that all staff and those associated with your setting are aware of what to do if they wish to raise a concern and that they feel confident in doing so if a situation arose. This is called making a disclosure in the public interest or whistleblowing (PDF 249kb).
Health, safety and wellbeing of staff
Employers have a general duty under section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees at work. This guidance will support organisations to write a policy that enables them to meet their duty: HSE health, safety and welfare guidance [PDF 107KB] Employers also are required by law, to display the HSE law poster
Social Media and Social Networking
The impact of social media on the workplace is increasing and whilst the widespread availability and use of social networking sites bring opportunities to engage and communicate with people and organisations in new and exciting ways, it is also hugely important to ensure that we balance this with our legal responsibilities - to safeguard and protect our children and staff and also to safeguard your settings image and reputation.
See our social media and social networking guidance to help you strike the balance between the benefits of using social media professionally (for example for marketing and promoting your business and communicating with families) and the potential risks to children, their families and your staff.
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service - Acas
Acas gives employees and employers free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practice. They also offer training and help to resolve disputes.
Acas can help with:
- advice - free advice on employment law, HR processes and good practice at work
- templates - letters, forms and policy documents to adapt
- dispute resolution - help resolve a work dispute
- training - tailored support to help you deal with workplace problems and keep up to date with best practice
The Acas helpline is for anyone who needs employment law or workplace advice, including employers, employees and workers. Contact them for confidential, free advice on 0300 123 1100