Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
How to get help with mental health for children and young people.
e-wellbeing website for help, advice and guidance
The e-wellbeing website has information about mental health services and support for people aged 25 and under in Brighton & Hove.
Go to the e-wellbeing website for mental health advice.
The website includes:
- details of services that you can approach directly, making a self-referral
- help and advice pages to find books, podcasts, apps and other handy tools that can help with wellbeing
- resources and tools for parents and carers
How to access the Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People and Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
From June 2017 you can make a referral, including a self-referral, to the Wellbeing Service Referral and Triage Hub. The hub also coordinates referrals for routine Specialist CAMHS.
Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service offers a range of support if you are experiencing emotional difficulties such as feeling anxious, low, or depressed. They're an NHS community-based service supporting people aged 4 years upwards in Brighton and Hove.
Get more information on the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing website.
Getting urgent help
If an urgent response is necessary (if the young person is at immediate risk of taking their own life or is showing severe psychotic symptoms) then please telephone the Specialist CAMHS service directly.
The Duty Clinician on call for CAMHS is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. To contact them phone 0300 304 0061.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan
A plan outlining improvements for services for the emotional well-being and mental health of our children and young people in the city has been developed.
The latest version of the strategy designed to inform professionals in the sector is the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Local Transformation Plan Refresh (LTP), published by Brighton and Hove CCG in October 2018.
The plan is a public document, developed in collaboration with children, young people, parents and carers, providers, and the local authority.
The strategy is based on the recommendations in the recent Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) published in 2016.
Read the Local transformation plan - Sussex Health and Care.
Keeping safe and well this summer
Download our keeping safe and well this summer flyer (PDF 57KB) for information about emotional health and well-being support services for young people and parents.