Sound advice for music venues
Helping performers, staff and feel safe in noisy environments.
Volume and health and safety
There are over 500 pubs, clubs and music venues in Brighton & Hove that need to think about how loudly and for how long staff are exposed to music. Exposure to loud noise over a period of time causes hearing damage. Hearing loss is permanent but can be prevented. DJs, sound engineers, door supervisors, bar staff, restaurant workers and musicians are all at risk.
In April 2008, the Control Of Noise At Work Regulations 2005 replaced existing laws to protect workers in the music and entertainment sector and now match those that already applied to all other workplaces.
Noise at work
Brighton & Hove City Council is running a campaign to help businesses protect their staff by advising them of straightforward workplace precautions that reduce the risk of hearing damage while making sure that customers continue to enjoy the music.
Our Noise At Work Booklet [ PDF 460 KB] sets out simply what employers and freelancers need to do to comply with the law.
The Sound Advice website tells you what you need to know in detail and shows how to control music volume without stopping people from enjoying themselves - many solutions are simple and cost-effective. Advice is set out in separate chapters for freelancers, managers, pubs, clubs and theatres and much more.
The following links also provide useful information on noise, relevant to the music and entertainment industry:
Health and Safety Executive (HSE): Details of relevant legislation, advice for workers and employers and real life experiences in the music industry
British Beer and Pub Association: The Leading Organisation representing UK brewing and pub sectors. Has strong links with hospitality and leisure industry groups.
British Tinnitus Association: UK Charity providing advice, information and awareness about tinnitus.
Don't Lose The Music Campaign: How ears work, celebrity supporters, people's stories and the 'Like It Loud!' report warning of the dangers to hearing.
Action on Hearing Loss: UK charity providing information and resources about deafness and hearing loss. Also has an information line.
The council is not responsible for and cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on sites that it does not manage. A hyperlink does not mean the council endorses the linked site.