If you have concerns about a licensed premises
- Noise issues can be reported to Environmental Health on 01273 294 266
- Licensing issues can be reported to the Licensing Team on 01273 294 429 or by email to ehl.licensing@brighton-hove.gov.uk
- Crime or Anti-Social Behaivour can be reported to your local police station by calling 101. Please only call 999 in an emergency.
Have your say about an application for a licensed premises
If you have a concern about an application, under the Licensing Act 2003, any person or business can make a representation to the premises licence application or club premises certificate application.
You can make representations or comments to the council about applications for:
- New licences
- Changes to licences (variations)
- Reviews of licences
Comments may be positive or negative, but will only be considered relevant by the council if they relate clearly to the licensing objectives set out below.
Licensing objectives:
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
To make a representation you will need to write to the licensing team. You can send an email to ehl.licensing@brighton-hove.gov.uk or send it in the post to the Licensing Team, Brighton & Hove City Council, 2nd Floor Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP.
Please tell us:
- Your full name and address
- Name and address of the premises
- Your concerns or support - referring to one or more of the licensing objectives above.
Please note we will send your representation to the applicant. This will include all your contact details (including name, address and email address/phone number).
You will need to do this within the 28 day public consultation period. Please look at the licensing public register for more details.
We will reject comments considered to be frivolous (not serious or time-wasting) or if they relate to personal disputes between businesses.
View the licensing representation privacy notice.
Asking us to review a licence
You can call for an existing licence to be reviewed if you have concerns about the licensing objectives above.
For all complaints and enforcement action the councils licensing team follow the enforcement policy.
You need to apply to the licensing team for a review.
You will need to show evidence that the premises is not promoting one or more of the licensing objectives. Check the statement of licensing policy (PDF 1.31MB) for more information
You can call a review by sending us and various organisations a copy of this form
All applications for a review must be copied to all the following people and organisations