We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Healthy eating during pregnancy
Find resources and information on healthy eating during pregnancy.
Get help with gloji for support with weight during pregnancy. Make this special time, a time for you to improve your health, for a brighter future for you and your baby.
gloji offer:
12 weeks worth of personalised advice on nutrition, movement, sleep, wellbeing and more
appointments both face to face or remote or a mixture of both
free life time access to our online gym, gloji gym with tailored pregnancy safe exercises
free support booklet.
Healthy Start vouchers
Healthy Start vouchers help you buy food and milk. The vouchers are for people who:
A health trainer can help you make changes to your lifestyle that will improve your health. This could be helping you set goals, keeping you motivated or finding other local support.