We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Stay safe in the heat
Find out things you can do to stay safe and how to look after vulnerable people in the hot weather.
Most of us look forward to some warm, sunny weather and the chance to spend time outdoors, but it’s important to remember that some people struggle to cope with the heat.
We can all take precautions that allow us to enjoy the hot weather safely and help people who might be more vulnerable as the temperatures rise.
Things we can do to stay safe
There are a few simple things we can all to do stay safe when we experience high temperatures.
We can look out for others by getting in touch with friends, family or neighbours who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated and need help.
To keep cool we can:
close curtains on rooms that face the sun and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors
drink plenty of fluids
avoid excess alcohol
If you go outside:
take water with you, there are refill points across the city
try to keep out of the sun
avoid physical exertion in the hottest part of the day
walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat and loose-fitting clothing
You should never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals.
You should check that fridges, freezers and fans are working properly and make sure medicines can be stored according to the instructions.
To stay safe in the hot weather:
take care and follow local safety advice if you're going into the sea to cool down
look out for signs of heat-related illness
cool your skin with water, slow down and drink water
Phone NHS 111 if you need medical help or in an emergency phone 999.
Looking after vulnerable people in hot weather
Anyone can become unwell when the weather is hot, but certain factors increase someone's risk.
Those who are at higher risk of becoming seriously unwell include people who:
are aged over 65 years
are already ill and dehydrated, for example from diarrhoea and vomiting
experience alcohol or drug dependence
are physically active and spend a lot of time outside such as runners, cyclists and walkers
work in jobs that require manual labour or extensive time outside
live on their own, or are socially isolated
are unable to look after themselves and those living in a care home
Babies and young children are also more at risk of becoming seriously unwell.
Environmental factors
Environmental factors can also increase the risk of becoming seriously unwell, such as:
living in a top-floor flat
experiencing homelessness
carrying out physical or work activity that is outdoors or in hot places
Medical factors
People with certain medical conditions are more at risk of becoming unwell. These medical conditions include:
heart, kidney or respiratory conditions
Parkinson’s disease
severe mental illness
mobility problems
People on certain medications that can affect heart or kidney function, cognition or ability to sweat are also more at risk.
Air pollution can become worse during hot weather. This can cause problems for people with asthma and other breathing problems.
More information to help you stay safe
For more information on how to stay safe in hot weather: