External funding for community organisations
Find out more about funding from grant giving organisations such as the National Lottery, national or local trusts and central government.
External Funding is money awarded from grant giving organisations such as the BIG Lottery, national or local trusts and Central Government, either directly, or through its agencies.
Funding bodies are generally keen to see evidence of partnership working between the private, statutory and voluntary sectors.
The city council is not the only source of funding to the Voluntary and Community Sector. Below are a selection of some of the major external funders for different types of work. You can access further external funding opportunities using Grantfinder
A selection of frequently updated external funding information is available at Other South East Local Authority Grant and Support Services.
Lottery Funds
The BIG Lottery Fund hands out half the good causes money from the National Lottery. For more information on current programmes, including Young People's Fund and Living Landmarks, visit the BIG Lottery Fund website
Awards for All has been relaunched to offer grants between £300 and £10,000 to projects that enable people to take part in art, sport, heritage and community activities, projects that promote education, the environment and community health. Awards for All has also identified 5 new priority outcomes (from a national list of 9) for targeting support in the South East.
Visit the Awards for All website
The Heritage Lottery Fund enables communities to celebrate, look after and learn more about Britain's diverse heritage.
Visit the Heritage Lottery Fund website
Arts Council England supports artistic projects that reflect England's rich and diverse cultural identity, improve quality of life and create opportunities for community growth.
Visit the Arts Council England website
The Landfill Tax Credit Scheme encourages and enables landfill operators to support a wide range of environmental projects. For more information download the Landfill Tax Credit funding guide (PDF 50KB).
Sport England supports projects that create opportunities for people to participate and succeed in sports.
Visit the Sport England website
Sports Match provide business sponsorship for grassroots sport on a pound-for-pound matching basis.
Youth Sports Trust provide information relating to youth sports programmes.
Visit the Youth Sports Trust website
Support, advice and funding information about particular sporting activities or for specific groups of people is also available from sports foundations and sports trusts.