End your tenancy
Your tenancy with us doesn't automatically end when you move out of your council home.
You need to download and fill in our notice to end a tenancy form (PDF 109KB) and send it to us by:
Notice periods for telling us you're moving are:
- 4 weeks if you're not moving to another Brighton & Hove City Council property
- up to 2 weeks if you're transferring to another council tenancy - your end date will be agreed with a re-housing officer
If you don't give us notice, you may still have to pay rent for the property even if after you've moved out.
Joint tenants
If you are joint tenants and one of you gives us notice to end the tenancy, the whole tenancy will come to an end.
The remaining tenants may have to leave the property if it's more suitable for another type of household, such as a family.
If you're the executor of a joint tenant who has died, please call us on 01273 293 030.
Abandoned properties
You need to let us know if you're going to be away from your home for a long time, including staying in hospital or going on holiday.
If you stop living in your council home and don't tell us, you may lose the right to your tenancy.
Contact us by:
Moving out
After you've given us notice of your move, you should: