What is the Transfer Support Scheme?
The Transfer Support Scheme allows housing association tenants to move to a smaller property if they:
- have one or more bedrooms in a family-sized property that they no longer need
- have a wheelchair-adapted property they no longer need
It means larger properties can be made available for more suitable households like families or people with disabilities.
You can only transfer to another council or housing association property.
By using the scheme you will:
- be prioritised for a move through homemove
- pay less rent and running costs at a smaller property
- help someone with a greater need for the housing you're currently living in
- get support during the transfer process from a specialist caseworker
You should also contact your housing association to check if they can offer you a payment for transferring.
How to apply
You can apply for transfer support as part of the application to join the housing register.
If you're already on the housing register, you can log in to the homemove applicant portal and choose the 'submit a change of circumstances' option.
You can also download and fill in our Transfer Support form (PDF 187KB). Scan and email your completed form to us at transferunderoccupying@brighton-hove.gov.uk
If you need help with your application, you can: