Use this form to ask for help if:
- your property is in disrepair and your landlord is not fixing it
- your property is in disrepair, caused by a neighbouring property
Please do not use this form to:
- tell us about disrepair in a council property
- tell us about disrepair in a housing association property - contact the Housing Association first, if you're not satisfied with your Housing Association's response, follow their complaints procedure which can be found on their website - if they do not resolve the problem, you can complain to the Housing Ombudsman
- tell us as owner-occupier, freeholder or leaseholder that your property is in disrepair because of problems within the property - seek independent advice or, if you are a leaseholder, go to The Leasehold Advisory Service
- seek financial compensation for any disrepair – contact Shelter England, Citizens Advice Bureau or seek your own independent legal advice
- ask for help with tenancy issues or re-housing – if you need advice, contact housing options