We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Road safety in schools
Road safety learning available to children
Brighton & Hove City Council is keen to work with schools.
We provide schools with a number of road safety services, including:
We also had theatre in education tours, in both secondary and primary schools. These highlighted issues related to travelling to school and those for potential new drivers/riders and their passengers.
Road safety resources for schools
Nursery schools
Three children aged four or under are injured while on foot every day. Nurseries can play a vital role in educating children from an early age and help to promote road safety in the local community. Road safety resources can be borrowed from the Road Safety Team.
With Sussex Safer Roads Partnership we offer Theatre in Education:
At year 7: Streetwise (pedestrian safety - students at higher risk as new to independent travel)
At year 11: Passenger (where students morel ikely to be passengers in peers cars, learning how they can manage risk on roads and take control of risky situations).
Both of theses have been successfully evaluated and will return again in 2019 Autumn term.
Secondary schools have very limted time for PHSE so we concentrate resources on these two productions but will help with projects where we can, on request.
Tertiary and 6th form colleges
The Fire Service run Safe Drive Stay Alive sessions for colleges, focussed on driver and passenger awareness on the four fatal factors: Drink/drugs, Speed, Distraction and Seatbelts.
We offer complimentary New Driver Awareness sessions which facilitate discussion on effective ways of minimising risk as a new driver or passenger.
We also attend college day events on drink/drug awarenss/active travel and on being a new driver/biker where possible.