Planning applications
The council’s Transport Policy and Strategy Team is a statutory consultee of the planning process. The team provides technical advice and comments on how development proposals impact transport and highways.
Policy context
We refer to the following policies and guidance:
In addition to the above, we refer to other documents and Acts such as:
- The Building Regulations
- British Standards
- East Sussex Act 1981
Considerations in our responses
In our responses, we consider the following:
- local transport impacts
- highway boundary issues
- access:
- all modes for all site users, including disabled/blue badge and emergency services
- parking:
- loading
- deliveries
- servicing
- travel movements and patterns (trip generation and distribution)
- operational impacts such as:
- parking stress
- junction modelling
- road safety
- demolition and construction
- highways agreements and licensing
- off-site highway requirements and amendments
- how some transport-related impacts of proposals can be mitigated
Submission of documents for a planning application
The following are some of the transport-related supporting documents that may be required for a planning application:
- Transport Assessment
- Transport Statement
- Travel Plan
- Demolition/Construction Environmental Management Plans (DEMP and CEMP) where applicable
- Deliveries and Servicing Management Plan (DSMP) where applicable
We advise that you seek highways pre-application advice to determine which documents you may need to prepare and submit before applying for planning permission.
Apply for highways pre-application advice.
During a consultation at the planning application stage
We may request amendments or improvements for your proposal which could be secured by planning condition/obligation post-permission, or an amendment may be considered necessary before determination of an application.
When assessing your application, there are 2 types of improvements we may request:
Requests for changes
Changes could include:
- adjustments to on-site cycle and car parking levels and their design and layout
- new and improved pedestrian infrastructure on site and/or on the surrounding public highway
- amendments to site layout and access points to provide safer routes for all site users
Requests for mitigations
Mitigation could include:
- conditions to secure additional information and amendments to ensure compliance with planning policies
- off-site highway works and/or financial contributions to deliver improved infrastructure, including, but not limited to:
- cycle hire docking stations
- bus stops/services
- pedestrian routes and crossings
- management strategies and plans
- travel planning and monitoring fees