Waste and minerals
We work jointly with East Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority on waste and minerals planning policy documents.
East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan
The Waste and Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) is the name for the planning documents that together form the statutory Local Plan for waste and minerals development in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex.
These are:
- Waste and Minerals Plan (adopted 2013)
- Waste and Minerals Sites Plan (adopted 2017)
- Revised Policies (adopted 2024)
Latest News
The authorities have reviewed some of the policies in the adopted Waste and Minerals Local Plan.
On 13 May 2022, the authorities submitted the 'East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan - Revised Policies' to the Secretary of State for Public Examination. The Examination Inspectors’ Report was issued on 4 April 2024 and concluded that, subject to modifications, the Revised Policies are sound and can be adopted.
The Revised Policies were adopted at full council in October 2024. They now form part of the city's development plan.
You can also get more information including the Inspectors' Report, on the East Sussex County Council website.
Contact us
To contact us send an email to wasteandmineralsdf@eastsussex.gov.uk.