Development plans
Read the various planning documents that make up the Brighton & Hove Development Plan and view the policies map.
Emerging development plans
City Plan review
A review of the City Plan focussing on the strategic policies in City Plan Part 1 has commenced.
The new plan will be known as City Plan 2041.
The first stage of public consultation on key issues will take place from 4 November 2024 to 20 January 2025.
Sustainability Appraisal
Read the Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report – October 2024.
Evidence studies
Read the Strategic Housing Market Assessment - August 2023.
Read the Green Infrastructure Study - March 2024.
Read the Employment Land Study - April 2024.
Read the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation Needs Assessment - December 2024.
Adopted development plans
City Plan Part 1
City Plan Part 1 was adopted on 24 March 2016.
The Plan provides the overall strategic and spatial vision for the future of Brighton & Hove through to 2030. It sets out how we will respond to local priorities and how it will:
- meet the social, economic and environmental challenges that face the city
- work with partners to reduce inequalities
View City Plan Part 1 (
City Plan Part 2
The City Plan Part Two was adopted on 20 October 2022.
The role of the Plan is to support the implementation of City Plan Part 1 by:
- building on the strategic policy framework set out in City Plan Part One
- allocating additional development sites
- setting out a detailed policy framework to assist in the determination of planning applications
View City Plan Part 2 (
Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan
The Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan was formally made at a full council meeting on 28 March 2024.
A referendum on the neighbourhood plan was held on 9 February 2024. 93% of eligible local voters voted yes.
The neighbourhood plan forms part of the city’s planning policies, alongside the City Plan.
Find out more and download the Hove Station Neighbourhood Plan.
Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan
The Rottingdean Parish Neighbourhood Plan was formally made at a full council meeting on 28 March 2024.
A referendum on the neighbourhood plan was held on 9 February 2024. 89% of eligible local voters voted yes.
The neighbourhood plan forms part of the city’s planning policies, alongside the City Plan.
Find out more and download the Rottingdean Neighbourhood Plan.
Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan
The Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan was formally ‘made’ following local two referendums on 13th February 2025.
Two referendums were supported by 91.5% of the votes cast by residents and 88.9% of the votes cast by businesses.
The neighbourhood plan forms part of the city’s planning policies, alongside the City Plan.
Find out more and download the Brighton Marina Neighbourhood Plan.
Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan
The Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) was formally adopted by Brighton & Hove City Council on 24 October 2019.
Further information about JAAP including the inspector's report, previous consultations and other supporting evidence is available on Adur & Worthing Council's website.
Find out more about the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration.
East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan
Waste and Minerals Local Plan
The Waste and Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) is the set of planning documents that together form the statutory plan for waste and minerals in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex.
We've recently updated policies in the Waste and Minerals Local Plan.
Adopted policies from the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan are shown on this map.
South Downs Local Plan
The South Downs National Park Authority adopted the South Downs Local Plan on 2 July 2019.
View the South Downs Local Plan Policies Map.
The South Downs Local Plan policies cover the administrative area of Brighton & Hove that falls within the National Park.
Policies map
The policies map shows where all policies in adopted development plans apply.
View policies map of the east, west and central areas.
You can also view a 1:5,000 scale map of the Brighton central area.
We have also produced an interactive Adopted Policies Map. You can zoom in and around a city map to see where adopted plan policies apply.
Adopted Neighbourhood Plan designations can be viewed separately.
On the map viewer:
- use the plus and minus buttons on the left-hand side to zoom in and out
- use the mouse to move around the map
- use the search bar on the left-hand side to search for your address or local area
- if you click an area, a pop-up box will bring up the policies at that site, where there are multiple policies, use the arrow button in the pop-up box to scroll through the policies
- under the search bar on the left-hand side, the second button brings up the map key and the first button allows you to turn map layers on and off