Affordable housing validation requirements
Targets for affordable housing
Policy CP20 of the Brighton & Hove City Council City Plan Part One requires the provision of affordable housing on all sites of 5 or more dwellings (net) with the following targets:
- 40% onsite affordable housing provision on sites of 15 or more (net) dwellings
- 30% onsite affordable housing provision on sites of between 10 and 14 (net) dwellings or as an equivalent financial contribution
- 20% affordable housing as an equivalent financial contribution on sites of between 5 and 9 (net) dwellings
This policy will apply to all types of residential development including conversions and changes of use.
Affordable housing statement/proforma
For schemes that include a net increase of 10 or more residential units and provide policy compliant levels of ‘onsite’ affordable housing in accordance with policy CP20, the specific details of the affordable offer must be clearly set out in an affordable housing statement which is required to be submitted with the application.
For schemes that include a net increase of between 5 and 14 residential units where a financial contribution is to be provided in lieu of ‘onsite’ affordable housing an affordable housing proforma is required to be completed and submitted with the application.
Viability assessment
For all applications where the proposal does not meet policy compliant requirements or developer contributions and this is being justified on viability grounds a detailed viability assessment is required to be submitted with the planning application.
The specific requirements of the viability assessment are set out in the viability assessment checklist.
The viability assessment will be made publicly available in the same manner as the other documents that form part of the planning application submission.
Validation requirement flowchart
This flowchart will help you decide what information you will need to provide to accompany your application.