About this privacy notice
The council is the data controller for purposes of the Data Protection Act (2018) and The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR") and is registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)
Brighton & Hove City Council are committed to protecting your personal information. As a data controller we have a responsibility to make sure you know why and how your personal information is being collected in accordance with relevant data protection law.
Purposes and lawful basis of processing
We are collecting your data for the purpose of communicating and engaging with you on City Transport projects in Brighton & Hove. As a representative of an identified stakeholder group we want to provide updates and opportunities for your input. We have a lawful basis for processing: GDPR Art.9 (2) (g) substantial public interest under Data protection Act 2018.
Who we will share your data with
Your information will not be shared with any other third party unless we are under a legal obligation to do so.
How long we will hold your data (Retention)
We will hold your data until you request to be removed from this contact list. If you are a statutory stakeholder we may be legally required to contact and consult you on certain projects.
Transferring data outside the European Economic Area
Your information is not processed outside of the European Economic Area.